Create an Activity

Create an Activity

  1. Click on "Create"

1/4  Activity type

Kaypic offers two types of activities:
  • Groups: Designed for managing participants in settings such as community centers, day camps, and evaluations.
  • Team Sports: Tailored for managing sports leagues, sports clubs, schedules, and related activities. Game schedules, Player stats for basketball, football, soccer, hockey for now.
Note: Select  "Team Sports"  if you are running a team sports league and you want to create game schedules between teams. 

2/4 - Activity name / sports*

  1. If you have selected the "team sports" activity you'll also have to choose the sport type see below.

3/4 - Activity Dates*

  1. Select the period of the activity 
  2. Select the online registration period. Note that the registration period can start before or after the period of activity and go offline before the activity ends.

3/4 - Activity Dates*

  1. *This field will be viewable if you had previously selected "team sports" as the activity type. 
  2.  Since you can manage several activities simultaneously, you can select one as the default activity.

Next Step..

      Create your teams
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